M. Goller, J. Franke, J. Lutz, and T. Basler. Power Cycling Results of Discrete Gallium Nitride Gate Injection Transistors. In 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’21 ECCE Europe), pages 1–7, Sep. 2021.
R. Boldyrjew-Mast, S. Thiele, N. Schöttler, T. Basler, and J. Lutz. Gate Oxide Reliability of 1.2 kV and 6.5 kV SiC MOSFETs under Stair-Shaped Increase of Positive and Negative Gate Bias. In 2021 33rd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), pages 243–246, May 2021.
J. Lutz and T. Basler. SiC Reliability Aspects, chapter 14, pages 387–431. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2021.
M. Gerlach, R. Boldyrjew-Mast, F. Bruchhold, J. Lutz, T. Basler, and H. Schwarzmann. Influence of different test strategies on the power cycling test results of 6.5 kV SiC MOSFETs. Microelectronics Reliability, 126:114279, 2021. Proceedings of ESREF 2021, 32nd European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis.
C. Schwabe, N. Thönelt, P. Seidel, J. Lutz, and T. Basler. Power Cycling Lifetime Investigation under Low Temperature Swings and 50 Hz Load with Experiment and Simulation. In PCIM Europe digital days 2021; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, pages 1–8, May 2021.
X. Liu, E. Deng, H. Wang, C. Herrmann, T. Basler, and J. Lutz. Influence of lateral temperature gradients on the failure modes at power cycling. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 11(3):407–414, March 2021.
C. Herold, M. Goller, T. Simon, J. Lutz, N. Reichenbach, and G. Mitic. Power Cycling Test Bench Topology with Alternating Load Current and Online Temperature Measurement for Thyristor Devices. In PCIM Europe digital days 2020; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, In- telligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, pages 1–8, July 2020.
G. Zeng, C. Herold, T. Methfessel, M. Schäfer, O. Schilling, and J. Lutz. Experimental Investigation of Linear Cumulative Damage Theory with Power Cycling Test. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(5):4722–4728, May 2019.
T. Basler, D. Heer, D. Peters, T. Aichinger, and R. Schörner. Practical aspects and body diode robustness of a 1200 v sic trench mosfet. In PCIM Europe 2018; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, pages 1–7, June 2018.
C. Herold, J. Sun, P. Seidel, L. Tinschert, and J. Lutz. Power cycling methods for SiC MOSFETs. In 2017 29th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and IC’s (ISPSD), pages 367–370, May 2017.